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The fastest mass notification solution just got even faster!!

Check Out The Newest Alert Toolkit From XComms

Do more with the XComms Alert Nexus
Eliminate the need to create alerts as you go because sometimes...well there is no time! Trigger your pre-designed alerts to deploy to your pre-determined recipients with a push of a key on your own alert control board.
Automating your alerting process makes life easier and customizing your alert panel is effortless. You simply create your alert and assign it to a key on the Nexus. In addition, you can add images to each illuminated key for a great visual aid.
With the XComms Nexus, you are in complete control.

Take Your Alerts With You Anywhere You Go
Deliver real-time notifications on any screen with a simple tap of an icon in your XComms on the go mobile app.
One tap of an icon can deliver pre-designed alerts to your pre-determined recipients as desktop alerts, sms messages, email messages, and even WhatsApp messages giving you the assurance that everyone is in the know when they need to be.
Use your own icons and create unlimited alerts.

Instant Alert Deployment Right From Your Desktop.
Why log in to send an immediate alert notification when you can just simply just click a desktop shortcut?
The process for this is easy. Use XComms to create a shortcut to any XComms alert and place it on any person's desktop you want to give the responsibility of sending specific alerts to without giving them access to the XComms platform itself.
Use the standout icons from XComms or use your own for unlimited on-demand desktop shortcuts.

Quickly and Easily Notify Anyone of an Emergency in Real Time with a Simple Push of a Button
The process is easy, you create the alert, select the recipients, assign it to a button or create a desktop shortcut and that’s it.
You can even determine the button led colors for each button. You can set your own Pressed and Released colors.
Quick Tip: Use our "Long Press" function so there is never any accidental triggering of an alert.

XCOMMs on demand
XComms is back at it again; setting new standards with the most innovative, responsive, and intuitive technology available to get your urgent messages in front of those who need to see them instantly. Regardless of location, screen, or device; XComms casts the widest net possible.

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